Raila: Why Azimio MPs, Governors Are With Ruto In USA

Azimio Raila Odinga has finally cleared the air on why its leadership is in the USA.

In a press release dispatched by Dennis Onyango, Raila Odinga said the leaders, including fierce President William Ruto critic Opiyo Wandayi, aare in USA on the invite of the US Government.

“Mr. Odinga wishes to clarify that all Azimio leaders accompanying the President were invited by the US government and have his and the coalition’s permission to join the President on this mission, in line with established democratic traditions and the wider interest of the Kenyan nation, that Azimio stands for.”

Mr. Onyango likened the visit by opposition to that which is practised world-over, as leaders seek are there for a specific mission.

“The bipartisan delegation is in line with similar delegations to Kenya by top US leaders, including the visit to Kenya by then US president Barack Obama, which had Republican and Democratic congressional leaders. In the intervening years, more bipartisan delegations from the US have visited Kenya.”

Raila also requested that his delegation make the most of this chance to assist the US in concentrating on issues that are important to the majority of Kenyans

These are; trade and investment, improved access to healthcare locally, combating corruption, job creation, and youth access to information technology.

President William Ruto is on a 4-day State Visit to the USA, on the invitation of President Joe Biden.

He is accompanied by Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, a section of his cabinet, governors, MPs and representatives from the private sector.