Sharon’s Family Commemorates One Year since the Gruesome Murder — Wants Justice for their Daughter

Rongo University Student Sharon Otieno | PHOTO COURTESY

Darkness and gloom engulfed Magare village as family and friends marched around the home of the late Sharon Otieno remembering the good lass who was brutally stabbed and dumped in Kodera Forest in 2018.

It has been exactly one year since the death of the bubbly university girl whose mysterious death caused a spark of protests calling for an end to brutal ‘femicide’ to women in Kenya.

In the case that is still pending in court, Migori Governor Okoth Obado, who is allegedly her fiance and Mike Oyamo, Obado’s personal assistant and Mr Caspal Obiero were adversely mentioned in the case.

Governor Obado who is out on a 5 Million shilling bond has refuted claims that he was behind the stabbing and eventual death of the student.

Her parents have lamented over the slow pace in which the matter is being handled. Despite forgiving the murderers, Ms Auma, Sharon’s mother is calling on the Government to accord her justice so that she can get closure on her daughter’s death.

Sharon left behind 2 parents and 2 children, 4 and 5 year-olds, with the third one being fatally stabbed while in her womb.