Six Activists Protesting KEMSA Corruption, Jailed

Written By Gerald Gekara  📝

Six activists arrested for protesting widespread corruption in the KEMSA Scandal, have been convicted to 6 months in prison.

The six, MUHURI’s Francis Auma, HakiAfrica’s Nato Michael, Lengo Organization’s Lucas Fondo, Agenda Kenya’s Tirus Mukami and Felix Otieno, and a matatu tout Kiti Nyale, were arrested while demonstrating against the ‘Covid millionaires’ on August 25, 2020. 

They were charged on two counts: unlawful assembly and failing to maintain a social distance of one meter, a violation of Covid-19 protocols.

Mombasa magistrate Rita Amwayi stated on Friday that the six staged a protest despite the fact that they might have presented their issues in other ways.

She said the demo had been outlawed by police due to the Covid-19 preventive measures that had prohibited gatherings.

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