Socialite Reveals Why Jamal-Amber Ray Marriage Failed

Amber Ray, a well-known socialite, has finally started dropping hints to her followers about why her marriage to ex-husband Jamal Roho Safi didn’t work out.

Amber’s remark came after Jamal seemed to reveal that he had not yet recovered from his breakup with the lovely Socialite.

Amber has largely avoided discussing her previous relationship, despite the fact that she appeared to take indirect jabs at Jamal in an Instagram post.

Amber Ray allegedly accused Matatu chief Jimal of lusting for her body, implying that he was solely after her body.

However, according to the Socialite, her freedom had started being denied by Jamal which is one of the reasons why the two stopped dating.

“This behavior of listing after an extremely beautiful and free woman, then, wanting her to tone down her freedom, once the two of you are together, is odd.”

The two had an ugly fallout that descended into a public fight with one of Jamal’s wives.

*This article was written by Caleb Mwikya for Uzalendo News.  Email: to submit your story.