The Seventh National and County Government Co-ordinating Summit at Sagana

The Seventh National and County Government Co-ordinating Summit (The Summit) was held at Sagana State Lodge on 4th March 2019 starting 09.00am.

The Summit applauded the collaboration between the National and County Government in addressing emerging issues that impact on service delivery to Kenyans. Specifically, The Summit expressed deep concern over the evolving industrial action taken by nurses in the health sector and underscored the importance of lasting solutions to the unrest.

The Summit undertook to enhance consultation, cooperation and coordination in the search for sustainable solutions to the current and future challenges, based on the provisions of the Constitution, legislation and principles of collective responsibility to respond decisively to prevent, manage and resolve industrial disputes.

The Summit noted the ongoing conciliation process and determined that all parties demonstrate commitment to its conclusion in accordance with the Court Order. The Ministry of Health and Governors shall be briefed regularly and updated on the progress by the Conciliation Committee with a view to ensuring that the common position of both levels of government is sustained. 
Towards achievement of the above, the Summit made the following Resolutions:

1.      THAT the conciliation process continues to its conclusion in accordance with the Court Order and all parties to demonstrate commitment. The Ministry of Health and Governors to be briefed regularly and updated on the progress made in the Conciliation process with a view to ensuring that a harmonized position by both levels of government is sustained;

2.      THAT disciplinary proceedings be instituted in accordance with the existing Regulations by both levels of Government where nurses failed to report on duty by Friday, 15th February, 2019 as directed;

3.      THAT any vacancies for recruitment of nurses arising from normal attrition in both levels of Government be filled on contract terms. The Public Service Commission to develop a Standardized Contract Framework for engagement of the health sector staff including terms and conditions and SRC input will be incorporated.

4.      THAT the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection continues providing leadership in driving the process of industrial relations across all sectors in accordance with the law;

5.      THAT the National and all County Governments put in place contingency measures to urgently fill the gaps created in the event that the 60 day conciliation window ordered by Court lapses without meaningful progress;

6.      THAT the National Government through the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection commences a review of the law in order to identify existing gaps with regard to provision of health care services across both levels of Government; meantime, Public Service Commission to develop and issue guidelines for management of human resources in health care.

7.      THAT the National and County Governments remain committed to the statutory and third party remittances; this shall be done in accordance with the law.

8.      THAT both levels of Government agree to maintain consistent consultations and to speak with one voice.