Treasury CS Njuguna Appoints Five New Members To KRA Board

Njuguna Ndung’u, Cabinet Secretary for National Treasury and Economic Planning, has announced the appointment of five new members to the Kenya Revenue Authority Board (KRA).

Darshan Shah, Wilkister Simiyu, Fancy Too, Michael Kamau Kamiru, and Samir Ibrahim have been appointed to the board for a three-year term beginning January 13, 2023.

Ndung’u stated in a gazette notice dated January 12 that the appointments were made in accordance with the powers conferred by Section 6 (2) (e) of the Kenya Revenue Authority Act, as read in conjunction with Section 51 (1) of the Interpretation and General Provisions Act.

He also revoked the appointments of Charles Makori Omanga, Richard Opembe, Mukesh Shah, Susan Mudhune, and Leonard Ithau.

KRA is in charge of collecting revenue on behalf of the Kenyan government and plays an important role in the country’s economic development.

The new board members will be responsible for ensuring that the KRA continues to run efficiently and effectively, as well as meeting revenue collection targets.

The Treasury has set President William Ruto’s first budget at KES 3.64 trillion, putting the board under a lot of pressure as Kenya’s fifth Head of State builds his economic legacy, which promises to create jobs for millions of the poor.

The budget in the 2022 Budget Review and Outlook Paper (BROP) is KES 3.64 trillion, which is higher than the KES 3.55 trillion in the previous estimate.