Mwingi Central MP Calls For Immediate Probe In Police Shooting Case

Gideon Mulyungi, MP for Mwingi Central, has called on the Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA) to expedite their investigation and charge a police officer who broke into a home in Kwanungu Area, Migwani Ward, and shot a family member for allegedly stealing KES 10,000.

The incident took place under the command of Mwingi Central OCPD.

Alex Musili, 26, was sleeping when two police officers yelled his name and ordered him out. Yoana Sammy, his disabled brother, witnessed the shooting.

Mulyungi has written to the Mwingi central OCPD requesting the immediate transfer and replacement of all police officers serving at the Mumbuni Police Station in order to restore public trust in the station’s performance.

He also wants the IPOA to speed up their investigation report and charge the officer in the alleged murder case as soon as possible, insisting that this is the only way the family will feel that justice has been served.

If these demands are not met, Mulyungi says he will summon security and interior ministry officials to parliament when it reconvenes next month after a long recess to answer questions about the murder.

According to a village elder, Musili was accused of stealing KES 10,000 on January 2.

“My son was so young and at his prime age, even if he had wronged, killing him was not an option,” Musili’s father said.

According to Mwingi West sub-county police commander Kazungu Charo, the officer has been arrested and is being held at Mwingi police station awaiting arraignment in court.