Two NHIF Employees File Case To Stop Transition To Social Health Authority

Two Kenyans have filed a certificate of urgency petition seeking court orders to halt the transition from the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to the Social Health Authority (SHA).

Gwaragwara Nkosi and Khadija Ali, NHIF employees, seek an order prohibiting the transition committee or its agents from presenting their report to the president, Ministry of Health, SHA, and NHIF board.

They contend that salary increases have resulted in unfairness, with management staff receiving less than the employees they supervise.

They are asking the court to issue an order to the effect that by raising the salary of unionized NHIF employees without raising that of the management the respondents have violated the affected NHIF management staff rights.

They also want the court to compel SRC to review their salary saying that there’s a clear violation of public service remuneration and benefits policy guidelines.

They argue that the Social Health Insurance Act provides the absorption into SHA and deployment into public service.

It is their argument that the respondents have failed to treat the affected petitioners with dignity and respect.