UDA Demands Probe Into ‘Prominent’ War Mongers

Written By Gerald Gekara | |

On Monday, Deputy President William Ruto’s UDA party demanded that ‘well-known’ politicians related to earlier “madoadoa” statements be investigated.

The party said in a statement that it will file a list of such lawmakers to the Director of Public Prosecutions for legal action to guarantee that the law is applied equally.

"The party calls on law enforcement agencies to exercise similar vigilance and bring to book other well known political actors who in recent past have used the term madoadoa and other disparaging terms to mobilise support for political causes,"
"The party shall be furnishing the DPP with the particulars of these political actors and the specificities of their statements," UDA said. 

The party, which has complained to the media that security authorities are unfairly targeting its members for hate speech, has not released the identities.

The party stated that it is aware that during the election season, all stakeholders, including “our members” and other politicians from all political parties, must exercise prudence when engaging citizens in order to prevent inflaming ethnic tensions.

Senator Linturi was apprehended in Eldoret on Sunday and transferred to the DCI’s Nairobi headquarters for questioning.

While the party expects that justice will be delivered to Linturi, UDA Secretary-General Veronica Maina said the DPP must examine the evidence surrounding the senator’s words, according to the party.

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