Ukraine War: Kyiv Shelling Kills Eight

According to Ukraine’s Prosecutor General, at least eight persons were killed in shelling that damaged residential houses and a shopping district in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital. 

“Several homes and one of the commercial centers [were struck], according to the information we have at the present,” local mayor Vitali Klitschko said on his Telegram channel. 

He claimed that emergency crews were putting out a huge fire in a shopping center in the Podil region, but that more details were pending confirmation. 

Four persons were murdered, according to the Kyiv department of the state emergency service.

It comes as Ukraine rejected Russian calls to surrender the port city of Mariupol, where residents are besieged with little food, water and power.

Ukraine’s government defiantly rejected Russian calls for Ukrainian forces in Mariupol to lay down their arms in exchange for safe passage out of the city and humanitarian corridors to be opened from 10am Moscow time (7am Irish time).

“There can be no question of any surrender, laying down of arms,” the Ukrainska Pravda news portal cited Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk as saying.

“We have already informed the Russian side about this.”

Mariupol has suffered some of the heaviest bombardments since Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February.

Many of its 400,000 residents remain trapped as fighting rages on the streets around them.

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