Vets Angered Over Ruto UDA Goats

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA), a political party associated to Deputy President William Ruto, has been warned against using the party’s colors to mark animals during their campaigns. 

The Union of Veterinary Practitioners of Kenya (UVPK) issued a statement on Sunday, November 6 warning the UDA party about animal abuse. 

“The Union has noted with concern the rise in cases of cruelty to animals for political reasons. The prevention of cruelty to animals Act Cap 360 Part II Section 1-4 of the laws of Kenya clearly stipulates what constitutes animal cruelty.” the statement read in part.
“The physical body application of either acrylic or latex paints, deprivation of food and water, mishandling during political rallies likely to cause unnecessary suffering and infuriation to animals constitutes cruelty to animals which is punishable by law,” 

The union went on to say that using animals in political campaigns was against the law and that politicians who engaged in the practice would face consequences.

"We, therefore, implore upon our political leaders to respect the rights of animals & be at the forefront to fight cruelty to animals. Animal owners who act in breach of animal welfare & freedoms will be prosecuted," the body stated.

In the statement, the union also implored upon other government agencies to ensure that the laws protecting the animals are implemented.

*This article was written by  Marion Munywoki for Uzalendo News.  Email: to submit your story.