Marriage is a really serious step in life. It is only fair for you to be conversant with everything about who you want to spend the rest of your life with, before you decide to go down on that road. – By Sharon Maina
Many times we hear about chaos in families; from fights, to divorce cases, to unprintable atrocities to avenge for pain. Pain that is sometimes caused by something you discover about your partner which does not please you but you discovered it too late.
One should take their time to learn your significant other before getting married. You should know how he or she handles things in case something arises. You should know their virtues, vices, likes, do’s and don’ts so that when you decide to tie the knot as a couple you’ll be aware of everything.
However not all are passionate about being an open book for you to read. Here are some of the essential aspects you should consider before taking the leap.
- Get To Know and Relate With Your In-laws
You should also be familiar with your in-laws so as to create a better bond with your significant other’s family. This will prevent some minor conflicts which usually end up to be a big deal between both parties.
2. Know Your Spouse’s HIV/AIDS Status
Growing up in the 90s, anyone believed to be HIV/AIDS was an outcast. And commissions were established, and campaigns were run to establish the tolerance and love towards those affected.
However, concealing your HIV/AIDS may swallow hard with your partner if you were not honest about it the first time. This is a very important thing since most want to start a family and get kids after marriage and knowing both your status will determine how you will handle your things as a couple.
Furthermore knowing your significant others status will prevent one from infecting the other in case they are positive.
3. Find Out If He/She Has Any STIs and Terminal Conditions.
Not only should you know your partner’s HIV status you should also know about their status in other diseases such as STI’s, Hepatitis B and C and other medical conditions such as chronic medical conditions.
However, this test should include screening for diabetes, test for hypertension, certain cancers kidney disease and test for thalassemia, amongst any others you feel need done.
4. Fertility test
This is essential as these issues can then be addressed as early as possible without causing the unnecessary biological, psychological, social and emotional trauma one associates with barrenness.
5. Find Out How Your Spouse Budgets
Though deemed as a very volatile topic, one needs to be conversant with how family finances will be managed. No woman wants to run into a commitment which doesnot have a good foundation on which she can build on.
Same applies to men who would need a bit of adjusting to fit in the life of sustaining a home other than their selves, cars and other toys. How you split the house bills and budget for family assets could be a key indicator on how the family is going to survive for the years ahead.