World Sight Day 2023; Love Your Eyes at Work

World Sight Day, also known as “World Eye Day” or “World Vision Day,” is marked annually on October 12 to promote awareness of, draw attention to, and inspire everyone to consider the significance of their own eye health.

Globally, people commemorate World Sight Day to promote eye health awareness and to honour the hundreds of ophthalmologists who work tirelessly to treat visual impairment.

The year 2023’s World Sight Day will have the subject “Love Your Eyes at Work.” The primary goals of this theme are to raise awareness of and emphasise the value of occupational eye care.

The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) organises World Sight Day (WSD). Since the day was first recognised as an IAPB event in 2000, it has been celebrated in many different ways in different countries throughout the world.

Eye health has an effect on employment, education, quality of life, poverty, and many other sustainable development goals; as a result, WSD seeks to bring together organisations and the general public to encourage governments, businesses, institutions, and people to actively support universal access to eye health and make sure that everyone counts.