Raila Criticises Govt’s Poor Flood Preparedness Despite ‘Talking Big On Climate Change’

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga has faulted the Kenya Kwanza Government over the handling of the ongoing floods in the country.

In a statement on Tuesday, April 30, Raila said the floods caught the government unprepared despite senior government officials talking big about climate change.

The former Prime Minister noted that the government has been forced to plan, search, and conduct rescue operations at the same time.

“The devastation has made clear that as a nation, we must confront the emergency of our failure to learn. The government has been talking big on climate change, yet when the menace comes in full force, we have been caught unprepared.

“Despite the fact that the Meteorological Department had accurately predicted the coming heavy rains and storms, there were no advance contingency plans. We have therefore been reduced to planning, searching and rescuing at the same time,” said Raila.

The ODM leader also slammed President William Ruto-led administration for what he described as confusion, duplication, and unnecessary competition within its ranks.

Raila urged the government to provide clarity on roles and responsibilities in the response and incident management system.

“We are also calling on the government to perfect the communication channels with all who have responsibilities in the unfolding situation to enable agencies and the two levels of government to deliver better, faster, and efficient services,” he stated.

Raila urged the government to ensure that the most pressing needs of low-income people across the country are prioritized and that their voices are heard as the recovery efforts continue.

Acknowledging that the destruction caused by the raging floods across the country was overwhelming, the opposition leader said that Azimio leaders were holding fundraising events to support flood victims.

“Within our own networks, we have reached out to mobilize support which we shall shortly be delivering to the affected. A number of our leaders are holding fundraisers and we will do what we can to support their efforts. We are also encouraging our networks to feel free to contribute to the national relief efforts particularly through the Red Cross or other accountable organizations that are providing assistance,” Raila added.