Baringo county launches Zero-Degrees Festival at Sarova Panafric Hotel

BY FAITH MUTETE – The Baringo Equi- heritage launched the equator zero degrees cultural festival at the Sarova Panafric hotel.

In attendance was the chairman of Kenya Film Classification Board Bishop Jackson Koskei, Director state department of culture CEC of culture and sports Baringo county Host MP hon Daniel Tuitoek and chairman of Baringo County Equi-Heritage Cultural Organization.

The event will be held on the 10th of October in Baringo County and the main objectives of the festival is;

  • To promote community social integration and national cohesion through application and appreciation of cultural heritage, arts, songs, dances, riddles and literature
  • To provide stock readily available cultural songs, dances, arts, an artifacts storage in partnership with national museums  of Kenya and others in promoting social-cultural and tourism activities in Baringo county
  • To create a platform for sharing indigenous knowledge, spoken narrative language, storytelling and celebrating Baringo legends
  • To identify linkages to regional, national and international festivals for showcasing Baringos rich culture

‘Culture is a  symbolic communication  and Baringo being a county with rich culture the event is aimed at harnessing the untapped potential in cultural heritage and indigenous knowledge , says BECO  Chairman Daniel Tuitoek

 The chairman of the Kenya film classification board was also in high support of the upcoming festival as he believes culture helps people to understand their ancestral source especially in this generation where millennials are adapting to different and diverse ways of living.

He says the event will not only be one of only celebrating but ill be a way of preserving man, preserving the environment and as a source of strength.