KNUT Raises Alarm Over Absenteeism As Hunger Bites Machakos

 "There is a high rate of absenteeism in Machakos County, 30 per cent of children aren’t attending school because of hunger,” Ngui said.

Written By Monica Makali ||

Effects of the ongoing drought and hunger have adversely affected operations in most public schools leading to an increased rate of children absenteeism.

The situation according to multiple sources was the same in Machakos County, which is listed among Arid and Semi-arid areas in the country.

 “There is a high rate of absenteeism in Machakos County, 30 per cent of children aren’t attending school because of hunger,” he said.

Ngui addressed the press on the sidelines of the Presidential Working Committee on CBC, during a public participation meeting at Machakos Girls on Friday.

Ngui who doubles as KNUT’s National Executive Council member representing the Eastern region called for affirmative action from the government to provide relief food to schools.

“We are requesting both county and national governments to have affirmative action to provide food in our schools because hunger is striving the institutions. Education standards will be lowered if we don’t take that one as affirmative action,” Ngui said.

He was accompanied by the union’s representatives from Mwala, Machakos and Kangundo sub-counties.

The unionists presented their views as KNUT, Machakos chapter to the committee during the meeting, which is supposed to present the report to president William Ruto once comprehensively and intensively carried out.

Among their recommendations was that; pupils in Grades 7, 8 and 9 should remain in primary school, more teachers to be employed by the Teachers Service Commission, and Grade 6 pupils to be taken to the nearest schools once they sit for their examinations.

He said teachers must be involved, motivated and appreciated for CBC’s implementation to be successful.

“CBC is good and we support it, but we need to be involved so that it becomes successful. Both PP1 and PP2 teachers should be employed by TSC in the 2 – 6 – 3 – 3 – 3 curriculum and be managed by primary head teachers,” Ngui said.

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