EACC Halts procurement of subsidized fertilizer in Siaya County

the county assembly approved a supplementary budget that included Sh120 million for the purchase of certified seeds and subsidized fertilizers.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission is probing an alleged flawed process used by Governor James Orengo’s administration to procure subsidized fertilizer.

Late last year, the county assembly approved a supplementary budget that included Sh120 million for the purchase of certified seeds and subsidized fertilizers.

Orengo launched subsidized tractor services during his 107 days in office to assist farmers in the county in ploughing their land ahead of planting season.

This fulfilled one of his campaign promises to open up more arable land in the county for farming and to end hunger in Siaya.

The launch took place in the Rarieda sub-county, where the governor also stated that farmers would receive free certified seeds as well as subsidized fertilizer.

He stated that the fertilizer subsidy will be higher than what the national government provides to farmers.

“In order to fulfill our campaign promise of making Siaya County food secure, we will also provide farmers with subsidized fertilizers. My rallying cry to the people of Siaya is to embrace agriculture “Orengo stated during the launch.

However, the fertilizer procurement process has been halted after the EACC sent a letter to the county government last week demanding that all procurement documents be supplied.