Final bow for Sossion at KNUT as KUPPET strengthens

During the days of Ambrose Adongo and Nicholas Ngang’a, KNUT was unshakable, unbwogable.

So feared was the Adongo KNUT teachers umbrella body, that then President Moi allowed the registration of the rival KUPPET to weaken KNUT.

Exit Adongo and Ngang’a. Enter Wilson Sosion and Musi Ndzili. And KNUT starts to rot from the head.
For the first time in history, a KNUT secretary general participated in partisan politics by joining NASA. In the process, his credibility was damaged. And although he got nominated to Parliament, it was a question of when he will exit KNUT.

KUPPET now says it has recruited close to 20000 new teachers from KNUT.
KNUT is now breeding at the core and faces imminent disintegration as members abandon the giant body..and Thursday 29th August 2019 is the day Sossion may kiss goodbye to KNUT.

So what is Sossions undoing?
He took sides in the political contest between Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga.
Now they have a political deal and are clearing all hurdles to their new found relations. One of these hindrances is Wilson Arap Sossion. His chicken have arrived home early to roost.