IEBC moves polling stations ahead of Kibra constituency by- election


IEBC moves polling stations ahead of Kibra constituency by- election

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has moved six polling stations ahead of Kibra constituency by election next week.

IEBC Returning officer for Kibra constituency has confirmed the polling centres have been moved because of the ongoing national exams.

Some of the polling stations moved are; Olympics Station moved to Ayany polling station, Raila Odinga station moved to Old Kibera Primary, Mbagathi Polling Station moved to Kenyatta Market, Upperhill Polling Station moved to Kilimanjaro and Shadrack Kimalel Polling station moved to Golf Coast.

The commission has also increased the number of Polling Stations from the current 180 to183.

The newly added polling stations are Lindi Mosque, Toy Market Polling station and the Nairobi City County Training Centre Polling Station

Kibra has a total of five wards and 180 polling stations. Meanwhile the campaigns have been heating up in the constituncey with three major candidates; Mc Donald Mariga of jubilee party, Imran Okoth of ODM and Eliud Owalo of Amani National Coalition set to battle it out.