Kabarnet: Doctors Surrender Grabbed Public Land

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has received the title deed to a piece of land worth 5 million shillings from two doctors from Kabarnet.

Drs. Kibet Ruto and Charles Kurgat, owners of Kerio Hospital in Kabarnet, Baringo County, paid Mr. John Sergon in 2017 for the public parcel of land owned by the Department of Housing and Urban Settlement and received a title-deed in return.

Prior to that, according to EACC, officers from the Ministry of Lands in Kabarnet conspired to illegally alienate the land to Mr. Sergon.

The 0.1805 ha parcel was purchased by the two doctors for 4.7 million shillings, but they have given the EACC South Rift Regional Manager Mr. Ignatius Wekesa the title deed.

This comes after the Doctors and EACC investigators participated in an alternative dispute resolution tribunal.

When delivering the Title Deed to the EACC offices in Nakuru, the Doctors were joined by their attorney Wanjiku Nduati.