Kingi Using Public Funds To PAA – Leaders

In Summary: MCAs now want Governor Kingi of using county funds to promote PAA

Written By Ramadhan Kambi | | 

Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi is under scrutiny for allegedly campaigning Pamoja African Alliance (PAA) while using county resources.

While launching grassroots campaigns for his PAA party, Governor Kingi arrived at the venue in his official vehicle and an escort.

That has now raised eyebrows with calls that he should not use public resources to campaign.

During the event, Kingi was accompanied by several chief officers from his administration and MCAs.

He had earlier during the day conducted a project inspection tour of Sokoke ward in Ganze constituency.

He toured the Malanga dispensary, Kwa Dadu dispensary, Dzikunze water project and Mwarandinda model ECD project at Mwarandinda primary school.

The tour culminated to a public rally at Matanomane grounds where Kingi led the chief officers and MCAs allied to the PAA party in drumming up support for the party.

The tour was described as an entry point to the PAA rally which critics say was organized as a retaliatory strategy after the party received a backlash in Ganze during the launching of the tarmacking of the Bamba-Ganze-Kilifi road.

Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire is one of the leaders who faulted the Governor for mixing a project development tour with his political aspirations.

The MP pointed that Kingi is still the governor of Kilifi and should serve the people until he leaves office.

“If he wants to campaign for PAA he should resign and campaign in full force. If he was in Ganze to inspect projects he should concentrate on that. There was no development that was discussed at the rally but only PAA politics. Why organize a rally using government resources then start campaigning on a political party?” He asked

Devolution CAS Gideon Mung’aro said the rally revealed how reckless Kingi is.

Mr Mung’aro said the meeting was meant to endorse leaders who will vie on PAA ticket and not development tour.

Chief Officers who attended the rally and are eyeing political seats in the forthcoming general election were Ben Kai who has for the past eight years served in Kingi’s administration as the chief officer for finance. He has since been moved to economic planning. He is vying for the Kilifi senator position.

Kenneth Kazungu who is one of the close allies of the Governor is vying for the Ganze MP. Mr Kazungu has for the last eight years served as the chief officer for roads, transport and public works. While serving in that docket, he also served as chief officer in the department of Health, department of water in an acting capacity. He has been moved to the department of public works.

During the recent PASA meeting, Mr Kazungu acted as the host chief officer.

According to Mung’aro, Kingi’s PAA line up is the reason behind Kilifi under development.

“The governor candidate is the lawyer who transacted all legal matters of the county. We have seen how he signed a 15 years contract for a company to undertake revenue collection on behalf of the county yet Kingi’s tenure could last only ten years. There was a sinister motive on it but he Okayed it. This is the same person that Kingi wants us to trust with our resources,” said Mung’aro.

He urged Kingi to stop blaming a political party for his failure.

“Kingi has been in ODM for over 15 years. He served as Minister in three ministries as an ODM MP. As a governor he has received over Ksh 80 billion for the last nine years. This money was not sent to a party, it was sent to a government he is heading. He was to oversee the prudence use of these funds but he chose otherwise. He has now failed and he is blaming it on ODM. All along Raila was the messiah now he is no longer messiah, what changed in between?” asked Mung’aro.

He said PAA is meant to hoodwink the people for the leaders to continue with their looting spree.

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