Kitui Dispatches 370 Bicycles for Community Health Promoters

Governor Julius Malombe’s administration in Kitui County is taking a big stride towards improving healthcare access, especially in remote areas.

Partnering with the Catholic Mission Medical Board (CMMB) and World Bicycle Relief (WBR), they recently distributed a major boost for their Community Health Promoters (CHPs) – 370 brand-new bicycles!

These bicycles are more than just a ride. They equip CHPs to reach more households and cover a wider area, significantly improving their ability to deliver crucial health education and preventive care services directly to the people who need them most.

Governor Malombe, a strong advocate for affordable and accessible healthcare, sees this initiative as a key part of his “Kitui Promise” agenda.

He emphasizes the importance of preventive measures, believing that investing in CHPs will ultimately reduce the burden on the entire healthcare system by preventing illnesses in the first place.

Kitui County isn’t just providing bikes; they’re also putting their money where their mouth is.

The administration has already recruited and trained a significant force of 2,470 CHPs, ensuring there are 10 promoters in each of the county’s 247 villages.

To further support their efforts, each CHP receives a monthly stipend of Ksh 3,000 from the county government, with an additional Ksh 2,500 coming from the national government.

Some CHPs have even been equipped with mobile phones to streamline communication and operations.

This collaborative effort between Kitui County, CMMB, and WBR is a shining example of how innovative solutions can address healthcare access challenges in rural areas. With more CHPs reaching more people on these trusty steeds, Kitui County is well on its way to a healthier future.