The goodwill and blessing message from Pope Francis to President Uhuru Kenyatta and Kenyans was well received.
During his visit to Kenya in November 2015, Pope Francis urged President Kenyatta to deal with graft decisively. So far, the President has led a relentless campaign against corruption with high profile arrests.
“Upon all of you, I invoke blessings of peace and wellbeing,” Pope Francis said.
Although the Papal greeting statement did not dwell on the subject, the news of the corruption purge in Kenya must have been received at the Vatican.
Kenya has a Papal Representative, the equivalent of an Ambassador. whose office is referred to as the Apostolic Nuncio.
Yesterday, top KPA officers including acting MD Daniel Manduku were grilled by the DCI over multi-billion tender irregularities. The Pope has various urged Kenyans to fight graft, giving an example of an Argentine whose coffin could not close after he asked to be buried with his will gotten wealth.