President Kenyatta briefed on KCPE results ahead of their release

President Uhuru Kenyatta alongside Education Stakeholders led by CS Prof. Magoha

President Uhuru Kenyatta was briefed by Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha and officials of the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) on the results of this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) national examination ahead of their release.

Speaking at State House Nairobi, the President commended the Ministry of Education and KNEC for conducting the national exams in a transparent and secure environment.

He praised the team of examiners for ensuring that the process  was undertaken without any hitch, terming the exercise a major success. 

The President expressed gratitude to all stakeholders for ensuring that the whole examination process including marking of the papers was conducted within schedule.

Present at the meeting were Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua, Teachers Service Commission CEO Nancy Macharia and Acting KNEC Chief Executive Officer Mercy Karogo among others.