Ruai OCS Arrested For Receiving Ksh 5,000 Bribes

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) detained the OCS for Ruai Police Station on Saturday evening for reportedly collecting bribes from revellers after locking them up in police cells on suspicion of being intoxicated and rowdy.

Chief Inspector Duncan Otieng was caught after EACC detectives investigated a complaint from relatives of one of the accused people.

According to reports, officials from the Ruai police station went to the Fun City club in Utawala on Friday night and arbitrarily arrested the patrons.

Otieng is claimed to have threatened the captives that if they did not obey, they would spend the entire weekend in jail and face accusations of being drunk and unruly on Monday.

On Saturday night, the OCS was detained while taking the bribes and was processed at the Integrity Centre Police Station.

He is being held at Kilimani Police Station pending further action.