Spain Funded Transmitters Boosts KBC Coverage in Western Kenya and Kitui

BY FAITH MUTETE – Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) Chairman David Were, Managing Director Naim Bilal were led by technical services Manager George Kanyi, inspecting the corporation’s Webuye station. The brand new TV transmitting station. The new site has been funded by the Government of Spain.

Other Stations funded by the Spanish Government are in Kitui, Kilifi, Kwale, Wajir, Maralal, Nyahururu, Bondo, Hola and Lamu. It consists of the first phase of the Government of Kenya and Spain support to upgrade KBC facilities to boost credible information dissemination by the National broadcaster.

The entire Western region to recieve excellent TV signals not only for KBC, but for other channels that procure content from KBC.

The Chairman said the Webuye station will ensure the entire Western region receives excellent TV signals not only for KBC, but for other channels that procure content from KBC.
Were said the board will ensure that Kenyans receive accurate, credible and balanced news from the national broadcaster.
The total Spanish grant under the phase 1 was Sh.1 Billion.