Judges & Margistrates Association Laud Supreme Court Ruling

They expressed their trust in the independence of the Judiciary and urged members of the public to abide by not the Supreme Court decision but by other determinations

The Kenya Judges and Magistrates Association have expressed their satisfaction with the Supreme Court Decision that rendered Hon. Ruto is the validly elected president of Kenya.

The association acknowledges the industry and hard work of the learned Judges of the Apex Court. In the same breath, they applaud the members of the bar for their commitment. And the contribution to the rule of Law.

The Judges managed to decide the matter within the set constitutional timeline, that is 14 days.

The Judicial officers have also reiterated that Kenya is a Country governed by the rule of law and constitutionalism.

They expressed their trust in the independence of the Judiciary and urged members of the public to abide by not the Supreme Court decision but by other determinations that Courts at all levels render on a day-to-day basis.

Further, they applauded the Chief Justice, Martha Koome for her exemplary leadership to the institution of the Judiciary.

According to Hon. Derrick Kuto (The president KMJA), with sufficient budgetary support, the Judiciary under the leadership of Justice Martha Koome, will continue to offer leadership in Kenya, the commonwealth and the World.