Two KQ Crews Arrested In India With Concealed Gold

    Two Kenya Airways (KQ) flight crew have been arrested in India for allegedly being in possession of concealed gold.

    Although the weight and value of the gold have not been disclosed, the two were apprehended by Mumbai airport authorities, who are said to have notified their Kenyan counterparts about the incident.

    When their respective flights landed in Mumbai, the suspected national carrier crew was apprehended.

    It is also unclear whether the security officers acted on a tip, but investigations have begun, according to Kenyan authorities who are aware of the situation.

    The crews are said to have left Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Nairobi on separate flights on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 after being discovered in possession of the gold without prior declaration.

    “The Indian customs officials arrested the flight crews and they reach out to the Kenyan customs officials. They are working closely to establish the origin of the gold consignment and why it was not declared at the point of exit,” said a security official at JKIA, who declined to the name.

    He continued, “The KQ management is seized of the matter.”

    The offenses and penal provisions state “that persons involved in smuggling and other modus operandi of imports and exports, in violation of prohibitions/ restrictions in vogue or with intent to evade duties or fraudulently claim export incentives are liable to serious penal action under the Customs Act.”

    The contraband can be confiscated, and heavy fines and penalties can be imposed.

    There are also provisions for arrest and prosecution to deter them from smuggling and commercial fraud, which have serious consequences for the economy and even society at large when it comes to sensitive goods like drugs, arms, and ammunition.

    This applies to the provisions of the law governing the seizure, confiscation, and imposition of penalties through adjudication.

    KQ, for its part, has stated that it is cooperating with investigators in the case.

    “KQ has zero tolerance towards any action of its employees that contravenes local or international laws prevalent in the countries of its operations,” the airline’s communications said.