Vihiga Woman Battered By Cops Over Mask

(AP Photo/Brian Inganga)

Police brutality and use of excessive force in Kenya has been an issue of concern to most Kenyans even as the independent police oversight authority (IPOA) puts its feet down to try and mitigate against this.

And now, The Standard reports of a rather sad affair on what eight male police officers in Vihiga county are accused of doing to a 26-year old woman identified as Shillah Imbai.

The woman was walking near her homestead with her son recently when she saw a police van coming in her direction.

Knowing she didn’t have a face mask on, she ran to her home. With the police threatening to enter the house by force, she used the back door to flee.

After developing fatigue, she surrendered to the police. However, what the police did next that left her unable to walk.

One of them deliberately jumped on the woman’s legs causing her untold pain.

“The policeman jumped on my leg and I felt a sharp pain pass through my body. After the police saw the damage they started walking away,” she narrated.

However, an angry mob that was following the proceedings declared that the police officers cannot leave their victim in that state and demanded they take her to hospital, something the officers obliged and dumped her at Vihiga county referral hospital in Mbale.

The matter has since been reported to the