Bodabodas Reap Big From Nakuru Matatu Ban

Written By Racheal Ayimba

Nakuru Boda Boda riders have continued to benefit since matatus were banned from it operating in the CBD.

Shamah Maina, a boda boda rider in Soko Huru stage, indicated that he earns up to Sh 1500 a day. 

Shamah says, ‘My earnings have enabled me to cope with the economic pressure that is currently in the country. I can pay school fees, put food on the table and invest in other things.’

He continued to share how people carrying out businesses in the CBD have opted to use boda boda for transport.

‘Traders give us their goods because it is easier to monitor how far we have taken them compared to passenger vehicles where a driver has a lot of goods to deliver,’ he expounds.

James Ng’ang’a, a trader in Wakulima Market, confirms that he has his trusted boda boda rider to bring him goods from his source.

‘ Wakulima Market is a busy place where vehicles cannot pass through other people’s business spots. With a motorcycle, the rider can navigate without distracting others,’ he continues to say.

He continues to describe how fast the means of transport has enabled him to sell fresh goods to his customers.

‘Once I have paid for delivery, I am sure that my goods are the only ones being carried. I, therefore, pay any amount asked for because I know my goods will be whole and fresh, ’ he further states.

Paul Mburu, a ticket seller at Nyamakima Sacco says that he pays for boda boda transport to take his passengers to the terminus where their vehicles are parked.

‘Some people travel once in a year, not knowing that the matatu stages have been moved to different places. Once they come to this old booking office, we can not send them away because we will lose them,’ He illustrates.

He continues to say that boda bodas have filled in the gaps of reliable and flexible transport.

‘Boda bodas have reduced the congestion in town,’ He said.

Despite the bodaboda’s popularity in rural areas, it is clear that they also play a big role in urban areas.