Kenyans Brace For Rise In Bread Costs

Written By Mary Mumbua  📝 

Broadway Bakery has announced that bread prices are expected to rise even more across the country as bakers bemoan rising costs for cooking oil, fuel, wheat, and packaging.

According to Broadway Managing Director Bimal Shah, the 400g loaf will soon cost Ksh.60, up from the Ksh.55 it cost recently while the 600g loaf will increase from Ksh.83 to Ksh.90, and the 800g loaf will increase from Ksh.100 to Ksh.110.

“The price of everything has gone up. We are grappling with the high cost of diesel on transport, expensive cooking oil and an increase in packaging material, which is now up by 20 percent,” Shah was on Tuesday quoted by Business Daily as saying.

Mini Bakeries, the maker of the Supa Loaf brand, has raised the price of 400g bread from Ksh.55 to Ksh.60 in the meantime.

Cooking oil producers in the country warned Kenyans last week of a looming shortage as well as higher prices as a result of Indonesia’s ban on palm oil exports.

While palm oil accounts for more than half of global edible vegetable oil production, Indonesia accounts for one-third of global palm oil exports.

Kenya primarily imports vegetable oils from Malaysia and Indonesia, including sunflower oils, soybean oil, corn oil, and crude palm oil, but low production in Malaysia over the last six months due to floods and labor shortages has forced Kenya to rely on Indonesian palm oil.

At the same time, wheat prices have risen since Russia announced its invasion of Ukraine in February.

The two countries supply 66 percent of the total wheat consumed in Kenya, and the tensions have resulted in logistical challenges and export bans, raising prices by around Ksh. 10,000 per metric tonne.

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