Detractors will not derail the government from development projects — President Uhuru says

Uhuru Kenyatta Commissioning the JKIA expressway | PHOTO COURTESY

Detractors will not be allowed to derail the government from implementing development projects including the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR).

President Uhuru Kenyatta said SGR holds huge economic benefits for the country and dismissed the project’s critics telling them to stop being selfish. 

“Without infrastructure, there will be no investors. Without investors, there will be no jobs for our youth,” he said. 

The President who was accompanied by First Lady Margaret Kenyatta spoke at Mai Mahiu where he addressed thousands of wananchi after the launch of Phase 2A of SGR emphasized that his main interest is to develop the country.

President Uhuru Kenyatta and First Lady Margaret Kenyatta aboard the Madaraka Express SGR wagon | PHOTO COURTESY

“And I tell all those who are thinking of holding us back that they should relocate to other countries because there is no place for them in Kenya.

“We will not be discouraged by baseless claims. We know where we want to take the country in development and we will not allow visionless people to discourage us,” the President said.

He likened SGR critics to a British Member of Parliament who in 1894 rubbished the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway, claiming it was a “Lunatic Express” leading to “nowhere” thus a waste of the British government money.

“Let me tell you, Mai Mahiu and Suswa is not nowhere. This is Kenya. I know after 20 years Mai Mahiu and Suswa will be developed. We are clear in our vision and we are going somewhere,” the President said. 

The Head of State pointed out that what Mai Mahiu and Suswa townships are today is what Nairobi was 150 years ago before the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway.

“We are not only focusing on today. We are looking at 50 years from now. We want to come to Suswa in future not only for politics but to see industries. We want to see our youth working, living well and educating their children,” President Kenyatta said.

He said Kenya today is boasting of towns like Mombasa, Voi, Machakos, Nairobi, Naivasha Nakuru, Eldoret and Kisumu because people had a vision and constructed the Kenya-Uganda railway.

The President said the journey of transforming Kenya is not a one-man affair but the responsibility of all Kenyans.

“My fellow Kenyans, Let us join together and build on our vision, develop our country, be united and not be dissuaded by naysayers who have nothing better to do than to continue putting us in a mood of depression,” he said.

In Suswa, after leading in the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Naivasha Special Economic Zone, the President Kenyatta assured that the construction of the Inland Container Depot in the area will not lead to job losses in Mombasa saying that the government is developing the Dongo Kundu Special Economic Zones that will create more jobs in the Coast region.

President Kenyatta took a swipe at politicians, telling them to stop peddling destructive politics and dividing Kenyans along party and tribal lines.

The President, at the same time, urged Kenyans to embrace national unity and live together peacefully.

“One of the legacies I want to leave behind is that of a united country where no Kenyan will shed blood because of politics,” the President said.