Ex-husband to Gilgil MP, Peter Karanja, to be detained awaiting mental assessment and Tob Cohen murder charges

Ex husband to Gilgil MP Martha Wangari, Peter Karanja | PHOTO COURTESY

BY PRUDENCE WANZA – Ex husband to Gilgil MP Martha Wangari, Peter Karanja will now be detained at Industrial Area prisons awaiting mental assessment and pleading to charges of killing Tob Cohen.

Karanja will appear before court on 11th October, 2019 to plead to charges of murder.

He appeared before Lady Justice Stella Mutuku where he was ordered to undergo a mental assessment test to ascertain whether he is fit to stand trial.

Karanja’s lawyers, Mr Kiprono,Mr Lang’at and Mr Mbati told the court that he has been in custody for the last 24 days. They further stated that he has diabetes and for that period his blood sugar levels have been critical.

” If he continues to be in police custody then he should be taken to see his doctor at the Agha Khan hospital on a daily basis,” said Mbati.

The lawyer further sought for Karanja to be treated to a special diet due to being diabetic.

The Prosecution led by Catherine Mwaniki responded saying that tgr suspect will receive treatment at the prison’s clinic and if need be he can seek treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital.

The judge ruled that Karanja be detained at the Industrial area Police Station awaiting plea taking and the mental assessment on October 8th.

The judge also ordered that the suspect to be escorted to Kenyatta National hospital and a report be brought before court.