Google To Train Female Politicians

Written By Mary Mumbua  📝

The Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA) partners with Google to train women politicians on online safety and security.

The Google-KEWOPA collaboration will provide female politicians with online safety tools and skills to help them mitigate the impact of online trolls and cyberbullying.

KEWOPA Chairperson, Gathoni Wamuchomba, welcomed the training and said: “Violence against women is a serious problem, and women leaders disproportionately deal with online toxicity. KEWOPA is collaborating with Google in the use of technology and training to empower women legislators against online violence.”

The female politicians will use Google’s free Harassment Manager tool, which allows people who are more vulnerable to online attacks, such as journalists and female leaders, to document and manage online abuse directed at them on social media.

Harassment Manager analyzes tweets based on hashtag, username, keyword, or date, allowing users to detect toxic and harmful comments, mute or block harassers, and hide harassing replies to their own tweets.

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