Greenbelt Movement leads Climate action groups to demand immediate Mau evictions

Kenya Forest Service officers destroy a structure in the Mau Forest | PHOTO COURTESY

The Greenbelt Movement and six other NGOs have demanded the immediate eviction of people living in the Mau.

The six said there is no justification for settlement on a catchment area, at whatever consideration.

The groups said the Government has a duty to protect the environment and termed the Mau allocations illegal, a theft of public trust land and outright corruption.

The chairperson of the Joint Environmental Conservation Group Wambui Mutiga said they will continue to agitate for the immediate vacation of the Mau.

“Let them leave. They can recover their money from whoever they bought the catchment land from”, Wambui said.

Other environmentalists who signed the petition were Penda Panda, Hearts of Green, Greenspaces Environment Conservation among others.