Japan, KeNHA to launch Sh.5.5billion Mombasa Port area road projects

Dongo Kundu Bypass in Mombasa | PHOTO COURTESY

A mega project that will decongest the Coastal town of Mombasa has received financing from the Japanese Government.

Dubbed Mombasa Port Area Road Development Project (MPARD) is a development financing initiative agreed between GoK and Government of Japan through its overseas development partner JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency).

Key details are as follows:

Project Name: Mombasa Port Area Road Development Project (MPARD)

Financier :Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Facillitator: Republic of Kenya represented by the Cabinet Secretary, The National Treasury Designated Implementing entities/agencies • State Department of Infrastructure

Client: Kenya National Highways Authority Scope of works To facilitate logistics around the Mombasa Port area from the new container terminal to the Northern Corridor and the Mombasa Southern Bypass along which the Dongo Kundu Special Economic Zone will be developed and beyond.

The improved traffic route will help achieve overall economic and social development in Kenya and neighbouring East African Countries.

Among the roads to be undertaken are the Construction of the Miritini-Mwache-Kipevu Link road and the Moi International Airport.

The project entire project will cost Sh.12.4billion.

Counterpart funding

Miritini – Mwache – Kipevu Link Road

The 10.1KM Miritini- Mwache- Kipevu Link Road | PHOTO COURTESY

Miritini – Mwache – Kipevu Link Road and Moi International Airport Access Road will be awarded KSh 239.9 million, including relocation of Power KSh 6.9million, Railway KSh. 128.1 Million and Water KSh. 84.4.million in additional costs. The 4-lane dual carriageway will run from Miritini Junction through Mwache Junction to Kipevu totaling 10.1 Km

Mwache thro’ Tsunza to Mteza (Dongo Kundu)

Dongo Kundu Bypass in Mombasa | PHOTO COURTESY

A 4-lane dual carriageway from Mwache to Dongo Kundu will span 8.96 Km in length. It will feature two bridges; the Mwache Bridge which will stretch 660 m in length and Mteza bridge, that will be 1.4 Km in length.

The Government of Kenya will finance 20% of Works Contracts plus tax elements, land acquisition and relocation of utilities.

JICA is also expected to finance 80% of Works Contracts and 100% of the Consultancy Services

An Interest Rate of 1.2% per annum with a Repayment Period of 30 years including 10 years grace period and a General Untied Status.

Contractors were procured through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) by “Two-Envelope Bidding” Goods and Services: All Goods and Services for JICA’S financing portion shall be procured in accordance with the “Guidelines for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loans (April 2012)

Consultants for JICA’s financing portion shall be procured in accordance with the “Guidelines for the Employment of Consultants under Japanese ODA Loans (April 2012) The Consultant was selected through the Short List method with “Quality and Cost-Based Selection”.

The project will be concluded by November 2022.