Written By Mary Mumbua 📝
Industrialisation Cabinet Secretary Betty Maina has nominated Esther Ngari as acting managing director of Kenya Bureau of Standards (Kebs) after the appointment of Benard Njiraini was rejected by the High Court last week.
The standards agency announced on Wednesday that Ms. Ngari had taken over the post in an acting capacity.
Ms. Ngari is an insider at the agency and has been the Director of standards development and trade.
“Yes, we confirm that our Director Standards Development and Trade, Esther Ngari has been appointed the Ag. Managing Director and will continue to hold office until the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development advises otherwise,” said Keb’s communications manager Zeyana Mohamed.
“Regarding whether Kebs is searching for a new boss, this part of the question should be directed to the Ministry which is the appointing authority.”
Mr Njiraini, whose appointment was overturned by the court last week because he was handpicked by the then-appointing authority in violation of the law, took over from Benard Nguyo, who was acting in the post.
Mr Nguyo, for his part, had stepped in following the expulsion of Charles Ongwae, who had been accused of abuse of office.
In 2018, he and other top officials were apprehended by sleuths from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations for the importation of substandard fertiliser suspected of containing mercury and the dissemination of counterfeit Kebs stamps.
They denied the charges and were released on bail.
Ms. Ngari is taking over as the new Acting boss at Kebs barely a few days after Employment and Labour Relations Court Judge Maurine Onyango revoked the appointment of Mr. Njiraini.
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