Written By Ramadhan Kambi 📝
Madaraka day celebrations in Kilifi County was rocked by politics, with politicians using different podiums to look for votes.
In Kaloleni sub county for example, Azimio leaders pitched camp at Kaloleni town hitting hard the county government for failing to address issues affecting the people like health care, water and sanitation and early childhood education.
They blamed Governor Amason Kingi’s adminstration for engaging in corruption which in the end has led to low development.
The leaders led by ODM Gubernatorial aspirant Gideon Mung’aro hit Kingi’s admiistration citing that Kilifi has lagged behind due to hungry and corrupt leaders wh had run the county government with open stomach.
Others were Senator Stewart Madzayo, Kaloleni MP Paul Katana, Kaloleni MP aspirant Winnie Chivila among others.
Addressing residents at Kaloleni Vocational Training center grounds, Mung’aro warned that he was determined to arrest and prosecute those who stole public funds through corruption once he gets into office.
“Because of the theft, corruption and loss of funds that would have actually developed Kilifi, my administration will the first thing arrest those who were involved in these corruption schemes,” he said.
He said, Kilifi for ten years of Kingi’s administration had received over 80 billion shillings from the National government but nothing is to show of what that money had done for the people of Kilifi.
Other leaders including Kilifi senator Stewart Madzayo and Kaloleni MP Paul Katana who were also present during the celebration conquered with Mung’aro urging officers from Ethics and Anti coruption to shift their focus into Kilifi and arrest those involved.
Senator Madzayo called on the Directorate of criminal Investigation together with EACC to come down to Kilifi to investigate and arrest culprits of corruption whom had stole from public coffers.
“I have fought for billions of shillings that were sent to this county from the treasury. Unfortunately the money ended on individuals who stole it with little care. It is very sad,” said Mr Madzayo.
He said, during his ten years tenure as the senator from the region had fought to bring over 80 billion shillings to the county but to date Kilifi was still rated as among the poorest counties in Kenya.
The Senator said they are now committed to change the regime and install a new governor who was well known for his previous leadership track record which would see Kilifi develop to the next level.
“We have a leader in Mr Mungaro and we should support him to make sure that he gets into the top county seat for this region to get the much needed development.
He said Mr Mungaro was the best fit for the position of governor whose previous leadership had never seen nothing close to corruption but full development.
Mr Katana also poked holes on Governor Amason Kingi s administration saying it had failed the local community and that it was time for the regime to come to an end.
“Kingi and his administration failed the people of Kilifi through corruption. Many Kilifi people are still languishing in poverty at the expense of a few rogue officers who looted public funds to enrich themselves,” he said.
Ms Chivila called on fellow politicians to campaign peaceful and allow the residents to choose their best MP in the August General Election.
“I know we are on a very critical moment. Each and everyone is campaigning hard to win votes. Bit o would urge my fellow aspirants to stop from using youths to cause violence. It is uncalled for and any violence mist be condemned,” she said.
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