Kenya Highways Authority signs MOU to complete Isiolo- Mandera Road

Officials from KeNHA yesterday signed an MoU with Meru county leadership, to enhance the construction of a major Highway from Isiolo through the northern parts of Meru County to Mandera.

Meru Governor, Kiraitu Murungi, lauded the project as an opner of the northern parts of the country to development, and also promised a waiver to supplies of the materials that will aid the construction of the higfhway

“We shall facilitate free movement of all construction materials and labour for purposes of construction of this road. That is the support we shall give to make the project cheaper,” Murungi said.

The 700Km link will start from Isiolo Town, stretch through parts of Meru county and terminate at Mandera. The entire cost is currently budgeted at 100 Billion.

The project will open up the northern frontier of Kenya that has been crippled with minimal development. It will also ease the movement of goods through to the Northern parts of the country, to neighboring Ethiopia and South Sudan.