Kitale Crime: Man Dressed As Police Arrested With Stolen Goods

The victim of crime reported the incident to police officers on patrol who immediately launched a manhunt for the suspects

Written By Vanessa Kariuki || 

A suspect in a robbery with violence is now being held at the Kitale police station after being apprehended by officers on patrol in the wake of a robbery event.

DCI claims that Dan Muiruri, 27, who was wearing a police smoking jacket, was one of a group of five men who accosted a man last night as he was walking home and stole him of his phone and other possessions.

“The victim of crime reported the incident to police officers on patrol who immediately launched a manhunt for the suspects,” said DCI.

” An hour later, the suspect who was dressed in police fatigues was arrested and the victim’s mobile phone recovered,” DCI added.

DCI also recovered a kitchen knife and 17 rolls of weed from the suspect.

The suspect is in custody pending arraignment for robbery with violence charges.