Uhuru to unveil 17 new hospitals in Nairobi

President Uhuru Kenyatta has promised the completion of 17 health facilities in Nairobi over the next six months. – By Gerald Gekara.

Uhuru said there was need to improve the quality of life in the City capital, and by improving health units will in-turn benefit millions of Nairobi residents who depend on public health care.

” We want an efficient health system focusing on health insurance to ensure every Kenyans has access to quality healthcare. My government remains committed to reforming the health sector.” Uhuru said.

The Nairobi Metropolitan Services unveiled a modernised health care system, which will put up the 17 health care centers, while rehabilitating the existing ones.

A majority of these health centers will be located within informal settlements, which have long been under the mercy of donors and NGOs.

While lauding efforts by the Ministry of Health, Uhuru called upon striking health workers to put the lives of Kenyans first as the counties struggle to find solutions to the challenges.

” Am calling on health workers and county administrations to resolve the ongoing impasse. I urge health workers not to let Kenyans suffer irrespective of the conflict. Everyone is entitled to their actions, but please let’s not have innocent Kenyans suffer.” He added.