US: Trump plans to reopen states in phases

The US plans to reopen states with President Donald Trump unveiling guidelines on how the process will be implemented even as Coronavirus cases continue to rise.

Trump said Governors will handle the process themselves with help from the federal government.

The guidelines for reopening US will take place in three phases to gradually ease their lockdowns.

“America wants to be open and Americans want to be open,” he said. “A national shutdown is not a sustainable long-term solution.”

This has brought a lot of criticism with some saying the plan Trump is vague and inconsistent.

The US currently has 654,301 confirmed cases and 32,186 deaths due to the virus, and Trump has suggested some states could reopen this month.

According to Trump a prolonged lockdown risked inflicting a serious toll in public health warning that cases of drug abuse, heart diseases and other mental problems may be on the rise.

The guidelines by Trump indicate that healthy citizens would be able to return to work and those who feel unwell will have to stay at home. He further urged Americans to continue observing social distancing and staying at home if they are unwell.

Trump has continued receiving criticism on how he I handling the pandemic. He has been accused of not taking the necessary measure early enough which has led to numbers blowing up in the US and not listening to the advice by scientists.