Editorial: State drops Covid-19 responsibility

You are now on your own.

Although President Uhuru Kenyatta cares about the Covid-19 rising curve, he has made the delicate call to open up Kenya and open up the spread or containment of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Radically, the President has trashed medical logic…and decided to vest the responsibility of containing the spread of Covid-19 on Kenyans. Both the responsible and irresponsible ones.

If the past is anything to go by, Kenyans have no capacity to self regulate. As already witnessed, they rarely wear masks. They have day and night trashed rules put in place to protect them.

Effectively, the President wants us to take charge of our destiny or prepare for an early appointment with Covid-19.

Bottom line: Covid-19 will terrorize the older population, those with conditions and vulnerable.

The choice is to protect your self. Your aging relatives. Your parents. Senior citizens who we all adore. Or consign to an early death.

Uhuru has sent the strongest signal yet that the Government wants to protect Kenyans. But the first line of defense is Kenyans themselves.

Implications? The President has called the bluff on you. Go out. Enjoy yourself. But be prepared for the consequences.

Kenya will remain with those responsible enough to wear masks, keep safe distances, and stay at home if you have no emergency.

You are on your own.