State Splashed Ksh. 260 Million On Kibaki Funeral

Written By John Mutiso  📝

The government spent Sh260 million to finance the State funeral for former President Mwai Kibaki who died in April aged 90.

This is according to the National Treasury’s second supplementary budget estimate, which was tabled in Parliament on Tuesday evening which revealed Sh260 million was released on April 25 to cater for the unforeseen expenditure following Kenya’s third president’s death.

“Funds were granted to cater for the State burial of the third President of the Republic of Kenya,” the Treasury Cabinet Secretary, Ukur Yatani, said in the new mini-budget documents.

Although a breakdown of the expenditure was not provided, the Treasury is now asking Parliament to approve the expenditure of Sh260 million, which was withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund Services to cover the emergency.

The funeral expenses of President Daniel arap Moi, who died on February 4, 2020, were also not disclosed.

President Kenyatta announced the former President’s death on April 21, and he was buried at his Othaya home on April 30.

In his final days, Kibaki had been in and out of Nairobi Hospital for various ailments including blood pressure.

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